Last weekend, I was at NHS Hack Day Cardiff. Which is an event bringing together developers and healthcare professionals with the aim of getting more open source projects into the NHS. I’d heard of it a fair while ago, and heard of some success stories from previous events. So it was an exciting chance to use what I do for a living to impact our healthcare system. Typical of any hack event, the schedule was straightforward. The brave few presented ideas, grouped up with others, plugged in and started writing code. I ended up revitalizing a broken project started by NYU… A Virtual Microscope using the Google Maps API. The idea being it could be used in the analysis of massive image files – we’re talking 5GB+!!



Photo by Paul Clarke


Unfortunately there were many great projects – so we didn’t win! But do read here for all the details, and consider coming to their next event – it’s a great cause! The VirtualMicroscope GitHub repo.

James Tancock is Locality’s newest resident web developer. He has a Masters in Chemistry from Cardiff University and recently spent a year in Germany working within R&D at the University of Leipzig. James is a keen diver and spends his free time creating mouth-watering home cooked meals!